Firebombing: Police out in full force to maintain public order – Saifuddin Nasution

Firebombing: Police out in full force to maintain public order – Saifuddin Nasution

KUALA LUMPUR: Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said police will be out in full force to maintain a firm grip on public order in the country following another firebombing incident, this time aimed at the KK Mart Sungai Isap in Kuantan at 5 am this morning.

He said police viewed seriously another attempt to set fire to KK Mart convenience stores, which was the second incident after a similar incident occurred at KK Mart Bidor, Perak on March 26.

“Legal action has been taken against the director and executive chairman of the KK Super Mart Group and the supplier of the stockings, Xin Jian Chang Sdn Bhd. The suppliers and seller have already been charged in court.

“However, this incident becomes dangerous when there are opportunistic parties blowing up religious and, racial sentiments for vested interest,“ he said today.

Saifuddin Nasution said that such incidents caused anxiety among local residents and the general public ahead of Aidilfitri.

“The people’s concern is whether these irresponsible parties will take advantage of the public sentiment which is building up for Aidilfitri, by throwing firebombs at KK Mart.

“It has been proven that our concerns regarding the 3R issue (king, religion and race) are well-founded and reasonable even though they are disputed by some parties and this sock issue shows how easily the emotions and sentiments of the people are fanned by irresponsible circles,“ he said.

According to him, although urging and badgering the public to boycott a brand may not be a legal offence but it becomes an offence (act of provocation) when people trespass or try to burn KK Mart premises.

In that regard, Saifuddin Nasution said the act of throwing firebombs could result in the destruction of property as well as loss of life and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) would still take legal action in the interest of the public.

“I urge those who encourage this boycott to take responsibility and back off and stop the act of flaming people’s sentiments.

“Give the PDRM full space and trust to carry out the task of detecting, arresting and investigating the individuals involved. Let the legal process proceed for the sake of peace, safety of the people and the country,“ he said.


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