BANGI: A security guard was charged in the Magistrate’s Court here today with the murder of his six-month-old son.
Mohamad Aizat Samin, 25, nodded that he understood the charge that was read out to him before Magistrate Nurdiyanah Mohd Nawawi. However, no plea was recorded.
He is accused of having murdered Muhammad Aysar Wildan at an apartment in Beranang, between 8 pm on April 14 and 7.40 am the following day.
The court fixed May 28 for mention of the case.
Deputy public prosecutor Siti Nur Liyana Mohd Sulaiman appeared for the prosecution while Mohamad Aizat was represented by lawyer Arif Azmi.
On Wednesday, Kajang deputy police chief Supt Mohamad Nasir Drahman said the man lodged a police report on Monday (April 15) at 8.52 am informing that the baby was found unconscious in a unit in the apartment.
“The initial examination found that there were no injuries on the victim’s body, but the results of the post-mortem confirmed that there were injuries on the victim’s head which were not caused by an accident,” he said.